Where can I find ethnocultural and community media?

Ask a member of your community, look online or check your local paper for more information about ethnocultural and community media in your area.

Television and Radio

There are some TV stations that have programming in different languages. OMNI TV is available in many parts of Ontario. It shows programs in many different languages and is a public TV station.

Private TV stations in your area and satellite companies may offer channels and programs in different languages. Compare packages and prices to find a good deal.

There are many language and ethno-specific radio stations across Ontario. Ask people in your community about the programs that are available in your area.

You can also listen to radio programs in different languages over the internet, sometimes for free. For example, BBC World Service broadcasts international news in different languages.

Newspapers and Magazines

You can find many ethnocultural newspapers, magazines and other print publications in Ontario. Many of these publications also produce online editions.

Some online magazines include:

  • byBlacks.com - founded in 2013 this online magazine self-identifies as a Black magazine with Black writers covering topics from Black Canadian business and entrepreneurs, Black Canadian history and artists.
  • The Canadian Times - ethnocultural and Indigenous magazine covering all types of current topics pertaining to Canada.
  • CanIndia News - Community news representing South Asian Canadians.
  • The Weekly Voice - South Asian community news.
  • Canada Authayan - Tamil Canadian news.
  • Philippine Reporter -  Toronto Filipino newspaper.
  • Rupane - Media channel for Sri Lankan Canadians.

Some publications focus on a community from the same country of origin. Others focus a particular language.

The National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada (NEPMCC) has a list of community and ethnic newspapers across Canada.

For More Information

  • Canadian Immigrant - This magazine offers newcomers information, tools and strategies for personal growth and success. It is available in print and online.
  • Community Newspapers in Ontario - A list of many community newspapers in Ontario. From the Canadian Community Newspaper Association.
  • Radio Stations in Ontario - A list of many radio stations in Ontario. From Radio-Locator.
  • Media Awareness Network - Information for parents, schools, students and community groups about how to use media safely and responsibly.
  • New Canadians - A web and TV show portraying stories of recent immigrants making Canada their home
Last updated: October 24, 2022 4000381